Having Issues?
- Have you tried turning it off and on again?
- Have you tested this after a full wipe before restoring any old backups?
- Have you checked the MD5 sum of the downloaded package file to make sure that it is ok?
Not working
- Video Recording (JB, ICS)
- Camera (JB, Partially works, but might produce soft reboot)
- USB Tethering (JB)
- Video Hardware Decoding (JB, ICS)
- TreBuchet Launcher (JB)
- Do NOT setup your sdcard (Fat32) partition using CWM Recovery. This will produce a lot of different problems along the way do to a bug in the recovery. Use 4EXT Recovery instead
- The sd-ext partition should be no more than max 1.5GB in size. More than this can produce issues
- If Disk Manager (UI) writes warning or error, attend to the log file <Internal data>/diskManager.log. There will be an UI log viewer in one of the fallowing releases.
Partition Sizes
- Jelly Bean: Needs 200mb or more on /system
- Ice Cream Sandwich: Needs 180mb or more on /system
Additional Settings
- Disk Manager: Settings -> Performance -> Disk Manager
- CPU Sleep State: Settings -> Performance -> Processor
- Task list by search: Settings -> System -> Search as Recent Apps
- Lock Screen Rotation: Settings -> Rotation -> Auto-rotate lock screen
- Trackball wake: Settings -> Display -> Trackball wake
- Software Keys: Settings -> Display -> Software Navigation Bar
- cayniarb, Rapmv78, rmcc, shaky156 & texasice and more for the work that they have done on the qsd8k device.
- The CyanogenMod team whose source this ROM is based on.
Thanks to
- Meaple and xxsashixx for hosting download mirrors
- BigWhoop for lending me time on a much faster compile server
- JB 0.1.1 Update 1 (Aug 5, 2012) (MD5: 3561db8b381a1edf8965ab99004fa7d6b)
- download link : http://bit.ly/R557Xw
------------------------------------------------- - ICS 0.9.0 Update 1 (Aug 5, 2012) (MD5: b3db11b6cda35142627b3f2d331978fb)
- [Mirror by Meaple] SpazeDog-ICS-0.9.0U1.zip
Change Log
- Jelly BeanQuote:
* Fixed WiFi issues (Re-Added missing vendor files)
* Changed SuperUser Application to a working version
* Fixed FC on data applications
* Fixed keys not working on N1 (passion)
* Added newest JB compatible EGL drivers
* Camera now partially works (Produces soft reboots once in awhile) - Ice Cream SandwichQuote:
* Fixed Processor section FC in Settings
* Merged latest CM9 Upstream.
* Cleaned up ad Optimized build.prop.
* Replaced Mounts2SD with Disk Manager.
* Fixed issue with switching between 2G/3G and WiFi/(2G/3G).
* Updated mod's and additional applications.
* Added SpazeDog fetures like wallpapers (inc. app), boot animation, themed Aroma and more.
* Removed PDroid from ICS (Will be added again, also for JB)
* And properly more that I can't remember.
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